CALL US at (614) 314-1720

Call and confirm your ride, ask a question or to let us get you ready to roll.

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Frequently asked questions

Explore the FAQs to ensure you're well-prepared to embark on your driving experience with us.

  • Renting a prop car from our business is a thrilling experience. Start by browsing our available cars in the store, find the available date and time, and we'll deliver it to your event in the Columbus Metro Area.

  • In the event that the rented car experiences any damage during your rental period, please notify us promptly. Depending on the nature and extent of the damage, you may be responsible for covering the repair or replacement costs. It's important to review our rental agreement for specific terms and conditions regarding exotic car damage. While we understand that accidents can occur, your prompt communication is appreciated to help maintain the quality and of our cars.

  • Yes, you can extend the rental period for an exotic car if it is not booked already after your rental. Contact our team to discuss your extension needs, and we'll work with you to update the rental terms and ensure the continued availability of the retro ride.